Fix For Bluestacks Black or Dark Screen Problem - SOLVED 100% WORKING.
I encountered the dark screen problem with bluestacks. I realized when I click on notifications, the related apps will open but the home screen was black. I searched online without finding a solution. However a tip that an app could be malfunctioning led me to suspect the default launcher / Home screen.
It turned out the Gamepop home screen or default bluestacks launcher was malfunctioning leading to the dark home screen.
I searched for an alternative home screen/launcher by googling "launcher apk " and settled on this website where I found a simple launcher Hexy Launcher and downloaded the APK.
I ran it on my pc by double-clicking and running with the bluestacks apk installer.
After that, I had the option to choose my preferred launcher in bluestacks where I chose the hexy launcher.
Problem Solved
It turned out the Gamepop home screen or default bluestacks launcher was malfunctioning leading to the dark home screen.
I searched for an alternative home screen/launcher by googling "launcher apk " and settled on this website where I found a simple launcher Hexy Launcher and downloaded the APK.
I ran it on my pc by double-clicking and running with the bluestacks apk installer.
After that, I had the option to choose my preferred launcher in bluestacks where I chose the hexy launcher.
Problem Solved
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