Easy Step By Step Guide to Using Google NotebookLM - A Personalized Research Assistant.
About NotebookLM Google's NotebookLM is a rather interesting AI powered product. It is unique in the sense that this AI focuses on the data you have personally provided it, unlike other general AI chat products that respond based on their training data and other data they can access from the internet if they have access. NotebookLM will basically digest your content in such a way that you can ask the AI questions about what information it found in the content. At the time of this writing, the AI supports pdf documents, website links and videos from Youtube. In addition to responding to your custom and specific questions about the content you have supplied, it can generate the following: A Summary of the content A Briefing document A Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document A Podcast deep-dive audio discussion between to AI hosts. (Probably the most interesting aspect of NotebookLM) What Is The Use of NotebookLM NotebookLM can be useful for evaluating and digesting any information,...