Is cryptocurrency a good investment idea?
Cryptocurrency is not one thing. Cryptocurrency is many things with a blanket name. Is it a good investment? Some are, some are not. Why is cryptocurrency, many things? 1. Some function as collectibles or just like art or gold bars (e.g. bitcoin -BTC, NFTs). Are art a good investment? 2. Some function like stocks of companies, giving you voting rights etc on their projects and earning dividends (e.g. TRX etc). Are stocks a good investment? 3. Some are memes or just for fun with no clear use case but still have all the qualities of a cryptocurrency (e.g. doge etc). Is joining something that is being hyped a good investment? 4. Some are used as fuel or the underlying transport mechanism for running a process on the blockchain called smart contracts. (e.g. eth gas and BNB etc). Is owning fuel a good investment? 5. Some are used as money and aim to replace the money we know (e.g. Bitcoin Cash - BCH etc). Is owning what may become generally used as cash a good investment? 6. Some...