
Showing posts from 2020

How To Find An/Your Old Posts On Facebook Website Using Keywords (2020)

PROBLEM In the previous Facebook website design, Activity Log feature was added. This displayed all your Facebook activity. Also added to the Activity Log was a search feature that allowed the user to input key words in order to find posts on specific subjects they have interacted with.  Old Activity Log On 24 September 2020 I found that not only has the Activity Log been relocated in the new Facebook design but also the activity log search feature was nowhere to be found. I very much hope this is a temporary problem. New Activity Log Menu Location The new activity log had no activity log search. The search bar displayed was the main Facebook search bar that searched the whole of Facebook. This means one could not keyword search their activity history. New Activity Log with no activity search bar SOLUTION The work around is to use the standard Facebook search bar to find old posts. The new Facebook search bar allows to filter by date and also has a toggle to display only posts you ...

Apache localhost intranet website running on LAN takes long to resolve host and load (Solved)

I had this situation where a Windows PC intranet website I deployed on a local apache server (using Xampp) which I shared on a local area network (LAN) was taking a long time to resolve/load. Often lasting up to 14+ seconds to load. This was not good for user experience as every single refresh was taking that long. I searched forever on the internet  and did not find a working solution. Things I did that did not work include: 1. Optimizing apache (didn't work) 2. connected the server over cable instead of wireless (didn't work) I noticed the website was fast when connected to the internet and also when the server was not connected to the network. I decided to use chrome inspect to see what error will pop up. I saw an error "failed to connect to resource". That resource was a webfont by google namely and Seeing this, I sought to block those url from with the hope that the application will default to the fallb...